Thursday, March 8, 2007

First meeting

I had my first appointment as a Financial Advisor last night with two friends of mine who are expecting their first child anyday now.

I wasn't quite sure where to start however with some small talk at the beginning I was able to feel confortable in going more in depth with their situation.

Obviously I was slightly nervous with the material but not in talking with them, however with experience I am positive this will be something I will excel at.

For the first time in a long while I have been motivated into working hard and giving my very best. The difference with this line of work it's a career vs a regular job like Ihad at Bell Sympatico where it became so repetitive that I felt so useless in what I was doing, this will be so much more as every situation will differ from the others.

I will keep you updated on how my working life goes.

As for now it's looking positive.


Weirdguy said...

But man, did you make a "sale" ?

Kidhasaces said...

no sale as of yet, there will be a second appointment and I will keep you updated