It's been a long time since I have partaken on this website and after turning my thumbs for a few minutes decided why not take time to write some stuff down.
Since the last time I wrote, I have been busy, life has changed in the past year since 2008, i'm not sure I could say it's been for the best but it definitely has changed. I still work for the bank and I truly still enjoy it, it's hard nowadays to find something that we are really good at but also enjoy to a point that when we talk or think about it, its mostly nothing but positives.
Besides work well we added a new person to our family, its a small jack russell puppy, his name his SHaq :). At first he was the cutiest and funniest thing ever, then we saw the problems lol, which is still a work in progress, but even with the small problems which will getter better (this includes asking for the door, not barking ) hes a sunlight in our day. Somedays i become short tempered with him or Roxie does but one thing is for sure without him somehow we would probably feel some sort of emptiness has he has kept us occupied for months and it's added responsibility that I believe we were ready for. Hes definitly one smart cookie, he learns tricks at a incredible pace, but obedience is what we are focusing on right now.
Other then that, well things are going ok, I truly wish they could be going amazing, where id go every single day without worries or stress about stuff and be my usual funny, good mood self but right now i dont think that will happen to many things must change. I have a hard time hiding my moods because im normally in a good mood, but for sometime that has changed to a point i dont even recognize myself. I dont even feel open enough to write them down on this thing as I rather close that book and pretend nothing his happening and all is good.
Oh well whatever I guess things can't always be the way you want them.
Today is my fathers bday, I won't be able to see him but definitely he is in my thoughts for sure, im glad because he sounds better lately, since my brother moved back home I believe it has helped, because it has given my dad someone else to enjoy time with, do stuff together. I just hope one day he could start working outside on stuff again and not have to worry about his health, he is someone who needed to move constantly so for me its weird to see him relax and limited to his activities but if its what will keep him healthy he must learn to relax.
My brother Mark broke up with his girlfriend, which was quite a shock to me, something i guess that should of happened a while ago, but I truly never saw that day coming. I think it does confirm that people who live hours apart hurt the relationship and in this case I think it does have a large part of the breakup. Things just seem weird this time of the year, people act with more impulsion then they do anytime of the year, damn winter/depression lol.
We recently purchased a basketball net, which is my first net since 1999 at least. I miss the sport so much and just going outside and playing, but I also wonder could I even play like I used to. In my mind im still my old self someone who could play for 5 hours straight and enjoy himself, right now I wonder if it;s still something that I could do without feeling weird or old in my driveway like it those activities were for only teens or kids. Anyways this is something I told myself, I dont care what other people think because it's one of the better activities to help me regain my healthyness. its such a nice basketball net as well, never I have seen in the past a net of this quality, but let me tell you it's definitely a challenge just of putting it together.
I normally hate putting stuff together it's not generally my thing, Roxie loves these assembly aspects of new things, which I try to but deep down I can't wait to see the finishing touch. Maybe my dad traumatized me when he used to put stuff together with his yelling when it went wrong or maybe he should of let me do more because id enjoy it and even know more what to do. I think that is a tough choice for a parent, you always want to help your kids and even if that means do the things for them, but i the end it's doesn't help because they didn't do it on their own and sometimes I feel like that's something I lacked but oh well small detail.
We have been living in our house for over 1 year and a half already which is so hard to believe, but to be honest still today I feel like it's kinda new for us, there are so many things we haven't had the chance of doing yet that I think it will be a while until we get really used to it. Everyday I come home and really take a few minutes to sit down either in the living room or kitchen and I feel amazed, because this is something we own, this is ours, our hard work has brought us this amazing house that many people wish they could have. I think it has made me appreciate things so much more, because most people can't afford to have a house. It makes me so proud, because I can't lie this house is amazing. When I think about the rooms and setup of everything I try finding negatives and it's hard. Will we live in this house forever. probably not , but it will be hard to find another house with this look.
We have been talking already of going on a trip to Florida next year either in January or April I guess it is. This time around however I would really like to take the plane, I think it would make our trip even more enjoyable, maybe driving back down woulnd't be that bad, but to feel that exaustion after the trip that takes weeks for it to leave i think i dont want to relive that. Anyways we are going to Florida because Roxie wants to go see the new Harry Potter attraction that is to start I believe at years end. I myself don't really care where we go I just feel like I think it's time we go on a trip together and enjoy the time and Disney is definitely that type of magical place.
A litte off subject, I wonder when they will stop with these new ways of addicting people to the computer chairs. I find with things now people spend hours non end without even realizing it and for what? A cyber life that in reality has no impact or change on your real life. I myself found myself at times wondering where the time had gone by then realizing I spent 2-3 hours doing worthless things that I theory aren't even that fun, just too easy to become addicted to. Example Facebook, I don't use it much anymore or any of those type of programs because in reality they are nothing but time consuming. Why add everyone we can, even aquaintances, people we didn't even like back then, people who someone else knows etc, and then read comments feedbacks of stuff from their own life, why waste time on stuff that truly shouldn't have any meaning lol. I find it hilarious, I have known alot of people recently in my entourage that feel the same way that I do however this world still seems to attach people without stop. It reminds me of the world of warcraft game where people can't seem to stop playing because there is just no end, well it's the same thing with this world of blogging,chatting,facebooks etc there is no point and no end to it all it's doing is take quality away from family, close friends, relationships in general and to enjoy things that are real. This is something that is bothering me alot lately because I find it's everywhere and to be honest real annoying because some people can't seem to differentiate what's real and not anymore. Quick example, whatever happened to being a fan of something or someone and not addicted to it? Why spend so much quality time on something, instead of liking it but moving on?When it is something that takes away and feels more important then things around you then to me that's a big problem. Anyways whatever that's that for this part of my message.
This part of the year, spring/summer I believe equals the time of spending on things. Like it gives me the feeling to get a new vehicule, a new BBQ,new cpu etc. But out of the three I only thing we will go with the middle one, we truly need a new BBQ and id love to have some people over this summer that we haven't even invited to the house yet.
I think that's it for today, again I will try to come and write back soon but I say that everytime so this time I will just say till the next one.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
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